
Monday, September 3, 2012

I have not done one stitch of hand quilting since it took me eight years to finish my DH triple Irish Chain quilt about six years ago. Bonnie Hunter from Quiltville issued a challenge for one hour a day of quilting by hand, I leaped at the change and just signed my name.

Whoops, now what do I hand quilt for one hour a day? I have two tops ready to quilt, Orca Bay and Midnight Flight, both too many pieces to hand quilt. Surely there is something put away that needs to be hand quilted, after searching through the back of my closet I found the box of hexies. A Grandmothers' Flower Garden that I started mid 80's, not exactly hand quilting but it is done with a needle and thread by hand so it qualifies in my little mind.

 And it needs to be finished, so it is official I am working on it for one hour a day. It requires 32 flowers and 6 half flowers. I have 6 flowers and 2 half flowers so it is going to take a lot of "ONE HOURS"!

I started last night while the ballgame was on and finished enough hexies for one more flower, I am on the way, 25 flowers to go!


Bonnie K. Hunter said...

atta girl! Glad to have you on board!

Judy D in AZ said...

Your "little mind" is right on track! You accomplished quite a bit.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Great post...thanks for reminding me that IF I finish all that's in my little project box B4 the first 7 grandmothers garden waits for more flowers!

Vickie said...

Very pretty :)

Sarah said...

I'm glad you pulled this project out of it's hiding spot - the colors are very calming and I like the borders. I invite you to link to my monthly hexie linky party - next one is 9/17/12.

Sharon B said...

Just jumped over from quiltville.
Your hexies are beautiful, what a wonderful gift you had left to you.